
How We Have Loved

Last night someone said something to me that really made me stop and think.
We had just finished a bible study that focused on where we take our identity from. After the study everyone was standing around and talking to each other. I don't quite remember what the conversation was about, but I vaguely remember one of my friends mentioning Facebook, and then this one person walked up to us and said: "Well Hannah is obsessed with politics. You can tell from her Facebook posts."

I was quick to defend myself and say that was just what I chose to use Facebook for, that I wasn't obsessed with politics. But what that person said stuck with me for the rest of the night and into this morning. 

I might know that I'm not obsessed with politics, but what kind of image am I giving out? What am I telling people that my identity is in?

I'm not saying that I'm going to stop posting about politics on Facebook, no, I'll continue because it's an area that I believe God is calling me to. I believe he's given me this passion for a reason. Politics is an area that needs light just like any other area.

But I had to ask myself, is that what I want people to see me as? I might not take my identity from political activism, but is that what the people around me think?

The things of this world will all fade away. All of them. In the end the only thing that matters is how much we loved God and how much we loved others.

Elections don't matter. News stories don't matter. Honestly, politics don't really matter at all.
It's what I choose to do about them that matters.
How I take these things and use them to love people is what matters.

My identity doesn't come from being a political activist. My identity comes from Christ.
And I want people to see that.
Because really, that's all that matters.

"But our citizenship is in Heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." 
-Philippians 3:20

1 comment:

  1. Hannah...I love this. Thank you so much for this amazing reminder!

