
Homemade Nutella "Latte"

I'd like to start out by saying it's not really a legitimate latte. 
A latte requires steamed milk and also espresso.
I have neither a steam wand or an espresso machine.
So this isn't a genuine latte, but it's a pretty good imitation for those overcast days when you really don't feel like leaving the house and heading to the local coffee shop.
If today is one of those days for you, or you are anticipating a day such as this in your future... well then, this recipe is for you.

Nutella "Latte"

1 mug
1/3 milk
1/2 tbsp cocoa powder
Desired amount of Nutella (I used a spoonful)
White, Milk or Dark Chocolate Chips (I used a broken up dark chocolate bar)
A strong cup of coffee.
Whipped cream (homemade or Ready Whip will work)
Sea Salt

Start out by brewing a pot of strong coffee (or if you have a Keurig or another single cup coffee maker, brew a stronger cup!)
Pour the milk in a small pot. Heat the milk. DO NOT let milk boil. If you boil the milk it will be ruined. Just heat the milk. The hot coffee will make the drink hot, don't risk burning the milk.

Carefully add the cocoa powder to the heating milk. Stir until completely dissolved. Add the Nutella. Stir again.

Now add your chocolate-y milk to the cup of coffee (be sure there's enough room in your mug. Spills are no fun).

You are ready to top your "latte" off. This is the fun part. Be creative.
I added whipped cream first, then I broke up my dark chocolate bar and put it on top. Then I also sprinkled a few white chocolate chips on top, and ground some sea salt on top of it all.

You are now ready to enjoy your own pseudo latte!

If you made any changes to the drink comment and let me know! I'd love to try them out :)

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