
Love & Monsters

I didn't make any New Year resolutions for 2014.
Not for any profound reasons or anything. Honestly, on New Years Eve I was really tired and though the thought of making resolutions crossed my mind, taking a nap before I had to wake up and ring in the new year won out in the end. 


It was actually really refreshing to wake up on the first of January not feeling pressured to start my year out perfectly.
However, since then I have been compiling a mental list of the things I would like to work harder at this year, because like most of the world, I am motivated by the feeling of a fresh start that January brings.

This is the first time that I've actually written down these goals.

Read 25 books I've never read before in 2014.
When I first made this goal I began to feel discouraged because people all over tumblr and pinterest were pledging to read twice or three times as many.
But for me, 25 books is realistic. And if I surpass that, well, awesome!
{I'm working on my actual list now, but I'll save that for another post}

Read the bible in a year.
I actually began this one on time ;)
My family is using the Daily Audio Bible recorded by Brian Harding to go through the entire bible in a year, and we've promised that if one of us misses a day of listening all together we will catch up on our own. So far, so good.

If you've never checked out the Daily Audio Bible you should.
Here's a link.

Go for more walks and runs.
I'm not even trying to do a schedule for this one. And honestly, I totally haven't started it yet because it's either been raining or really cold. Right now it is neither... and I still haven't started it. Oh well.
In the last year I did walk and run a lot more though, and I found it was not only just a way to be active, but it was also a really great stress reliever.

Journal more.
hence the photo at the top of this post.
I really really really love stylized journaling. It makes me feel so happy and artistic.

Create goals for my photography.
Yes. I made a goal to create goals.
Don't judge.

For real though, this year is going to be super different for me.
 I graduate high school, and have to decide what to do next.
I'm looking at taking Photographic Technology classes at my community college. But, if I learned one thing in 2013 it was that things hardly ever go according to plan. 
The thing I want the most in 2014 is to find out what God's will for my life is, but I am aware that even that probably won't go like I plan ;)
I not only want to find out what God's will is, but I want him to give me the grace to accept his plan for me.
That's hard.
But I'm trying to let go, and I'm trying to trust God.

"When you're a kid, they tell you it's all... grow up, get a job, get married, get a house, have a kid, and that's it. But the truth is, the world is so much stranger than that. It's so much darker. And so much madder. And so much better."
-Doctor Who (Love and Monsters)


  1. Doctor Who quotes for the win. *smile*

    I love your goals, dear. We share some of the same ones (read books I haven't read yet, run/walk, journal). I can't really think of any books right now...although I have a huge list of books to read on Goodreads. So many books, so little time...especially when I decide to read The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Les Miserables at the same time...*facepalm*

  2. That's so awesome! Great minds think alike ;)
    And my goodness. Les Mis & Sherlock at the same time?! That is quite the undertaking!!

  3. Thanking God for a daughter with her head both square on her shoulders and in the clouds. Yeah. Balance. It's a good thing.
